Friday, October 31, 2008

October 21st, Lucca by foot

Today we hiiked the long acquaduct that extends out 2 or more k from the Lucca train station. It called for rain, so we took our rain gear with us, plus lunch. En route, we saw people in their backgrounds tending to their gardens, people driving up in their cars to get water from the fresh spring taps en route. At the end, we saw a path that led beyond it and at night Mauny connected the dots, and saw that it was part of another trail, called something like Via della Acqua, which we had seen on a bike ride a few days . We made note to do the trail, of about 20k, on our next nice day in Lucca. It was beginning to rain, so we had our lunch under one of the aquaduct arches. By the time we returned in the afternoon it was pouring buckets. We stopped at the local supermarket and had dinner back in our room.

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